KrsnaGuru teaches that it is the mind that keeps us apart from God.
How powerful is the mind? Take a moment to select any one object of focus, and now try to hold only that one object in your thoughts. Focus! With the exception of only a few people, most will have quickly moved from that object to many more in just moments. This happens when we try to focus on God, too.
In the Satsang given by Guruji of the Srimad Bhagavatam; Canto 11, Chapter 29, v37-v40; He clearly tells us it is the mind that is between us and God—between us and Truth. He states that we use the organs of the eyes to see, but our sight is tainted by the mind. We make judgments on everything we perceive.
Can we practice to see without the mind? KrsnaKnows teaches that if you put God first and live in the world shielded by Him then you will not be deluded by His illusory power (Maya). This does not mean you live in a panaceaic bubble. It means you live in this world, but not of this world. Guruji states there is nothing in this world that can affect the devotee of the Lord. “Indeed, how can cold, darkness and fear exert their power over one who has approached the brilliant sun?” SB11/29/37.
When my mind was distracted and disturbed by others, Guruji told me to just keep focused on Him. Do not lose sight of Him. The illusions of the world may challenge me, but the challenge does not have to be accepted, there is always the option to just turn away. My relationship with God can not be judged by anyone else. We are each His very own and empowered by His grace. There is no real barrier keeping you from God, there is only your mind lost in the illusion that keeps you.
Guruji teaches that when each day is lived steadily focused in devotion to God, Maya’s illusions will have no impact. But how does one become steady and focused? Ah, Guruji would say “practice, practice practice!” God is effulgent and when you surrender, His light will make all visible to you.
Here is a simple example: When driving out to Long Island through New York City, the navigation system said there was an accident delay ahead and it started to redirect me. Not feeling comfortable about changing to the unknown route, I continued on as originally planned. Then the GPS was re-calculating and having done so, things started looking a bit odd. The GPS was now sending me West when I needed to go East. So, I called out, “Krsna guide me” and just trusted that all would be fine. At the point when I called out, my mind wanted me to change direction, but by letting go I was delivered on time to my destination. The point here is that the mind caused me to be unsure and had me questioning my path, but by taking God’s name my delivery was certain.
God, my Guru, my Shield, may You be the exclusive dweller of my heart. May my devotion and ability to follow Your plan be forever firm.
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