KrsnaGuru teaches we are always Free.
Much of my blog writings are directly from the lessons learned from my dear Guruji. The lessons are the ideal. The daily living of the lessons is not so clear and distinct. There is a vast difference between knowledge and experience. Reading, listening and even writing are knowledge-based. The “living” and “experiencing” of that knowledge is much more difficult.
Can the lessons of my Guru be remembered in every moment? Can His lessons flow in my daily life?. Of course, my Dear Guruji would say that one needs to put forth Self-efforts, Faith, and Patience. Still, my path seems stagnated and I continue to wonder what is missing from my practice. Blessedly, today by His Grace an answer was given to me. The lack of flow is due to my narrow mind.
On a long drive with my husband, I started to speak my conviction of God. It was in the telling that I heard the message. By holding on to my material life, I have kept myself in the narrow framework assembled since childhood. This framework has been used to interact with my parents, siblings, husband, children, friends, and strangers to repay the debt I owed. Keeping myself in that narrow space beyond what is needed thwarts my growth. Remaining in this hindered state is to deny God’s Truth. In this state, there is daily strife and no chance of living every day in God-consciousness.
In His teachings, Guruji has clearly given the instruction, “Go do His work!” But my conditioned soul cannot do His work, nor can my conditioned soul fathom His work. At some point in this life, I consented to exist within the framework of the mundane world. The material world has veiled me and has stymied my ability to grow beyond its narrow space. God is vast and we are a part of His vastness. The inclination to move forward and surpass my current condition requires me to withdraw my consent. As KrsnaGuru has stated, “Be in the world, but not of the world.”
God’s Love has no favorites. In our material world, we hold those closest to us dearer than the rest of the world. Imagine if we treated every soul on earth as our dearest! By functioning from Love only, we can find Freedom in that every person or thing in this universe is the same One. My Gurudev teaches that we must be steady in our practice until we are perfect.
Humbly, I offer this addition to my current practice: By Grace, in Faith and with Practice in prayer, I rescind my consent to live within the constraints of the mundane world and pray to live and experience this life from the vastness of God’s Love.
Freedom is God-given, it is found within, next to Truth and Love.
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