KrsnaGuru teaches that by following the path of Love and Devotion, and by retaining our small ego, we can cry for God.
For me, there is hardly a better expression of my love for the Divine. Sometimes the tears are blissful and sometimes the tears are of my deepest anguish. Separation makes me weep. Yet, seated at His feet I will still weep.
The rising morning sun casts the sky in blue, pink and purple. The sky’s reflection on the lake makes me cry. God’s reflection in the world makes me cry.
In the temple sanctum, a reclining Vishnu sleeps, when my eyes fall upon His feet my tears begin to fall. It is the tenderness of Divine Love that wells up in my heart and pours out of my body. From top to bottom, left to right, front to back—Love is experienced.
With my heart on the Divine, melancholy plagues this body and so does elation. It hurts to feel deeply, but bliss is deep too. Union and separation are both pure Love. I have only to place my thoughts on Him. He’s here—lingering in my heart. Always here, He springs to the forefront stirred by even the slightest reflection.
First, a current of energy flows from my heart, extends through my body, and my eyes fill with tears. Each teardrop gently falls over my lower lid. The warm moist beads roll slowly along the side of my face, Tears caressing my cheek, my chin, my neck. The tears become His loving hand brushing my face.
The depth of one’s Love for God can be felt by those engaged in the path of Love and Devotion. Keep only the smallest of ego to experience Prema-bhava, it may be Krishna Prema-bhava, Christ Prema-bhava, Father in Heaven Prema-bhava—we can embrace His Divine Love.
Tears are cleansing, let them flow for God!
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