KrsnaGuruji teaches: the Guru is empowered to decide whom he can shower his grace on.
One comes to this life with a lot of unavoidable karma. But what if that karma is such that, no matter what efforts you put forth, there is no getting out of this life?
It is just not possible for everyone to be extraordinary, without ordinary beings no one is extraordinary. So what happens to ordinary people who end up on the path? You may say that they must be extraordinary to be on the path, but the term is relative. Among those on the path of spiritual, there certainly seems to be a hierarchy.
I am not saying that God cares for any “one” more than another, it seems that since we are here by the merits or demerits of past lives, we are each unique. Our karma has created this destiny, whereby one is moved ahead and another is stymied. So what does that relationship with God look like when you are not the chosen one but are a member of the spiritual masses?
Spiritual teachers may be overly kind. I heard a story of two brahmacharyas sharing a room. Their teacher was very demanding of only one of the young men and would frequently reprimand him. The teacher asked for tea and the one young brahmacharya painstakingly prepared and brought the tea to him. The old monk scolded him harshly — the tea was not to his liking — yet the elderly monk then calmly turned to the other young man and very gently spoke with him.
That was it! At the first chance the reprimanded brahmacharya had, he inquired of his teacher, “Why are you so strict and harsh with me and not with my roommate?” The old monk responded that the roommate was never going to find liberation this life, but that he (the one asking) would.
Is that me, am I the roommate with the limitation? Certainly, this pain is an ego issue, and this is not the first time it has come up. Clearly in my earlier posts one can see, as I do, that this is a problem that plagues me. For heaven's sake, I was born American no less - not even born into a spiritual society! So what gives? Why have I been planted here so far from my Guruji? Frankly, I just don’t know.
It is impossible for me not to recognize the gifts bestowed on me thus far. To be born human with the potential to know God in my life is a blessing brought forth by past merits. The awakening in my heart was His gift. Now it is this gift which baffles me so. No sooner has a covering of muck been cleared away when a heavier load of muck appears. The cleansing takes so very long!
These days are of great pains, I have been given the knowledge that there is an immeasurable treasure present right here within me, yet I cannot experience it nor can I truly know it. I need His help! I need His grace!
Of course it always comes down to this, there is only one way and that is forward. I shall continue my daily practice trusting that by the grace of my Guruji, I will know my path, find bliss here and now, and experience His love in all my days.
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