KrsnaGuruji teaches we are spiritual beings living in a material world.
At some moments during my journey, there has been an overwhelming desire to check out, go far off somewhere and not to be involved in the mundane world. But Krsna teaches that being born as I am and where I am are a part of God’s design.
Trying to understand what is unfolding in my life, is now the crux of my material life. Certainly, God doesn’t need for me to understand and certainly a faith built of Love and Devotion does not need to be “understood.” Yet, the material worldly life engages my mind and intellect and has to come up with the whys and wherefores.
But what about 100% Faith! My KrsnaGuru speaks of living in the moment without worry or concern, knowing whatever God provides will be enough. The challenge is to live in the world and not be of the world. This is where the Grace of my dear Guru is so very crucial to my progress. He points out where I fall short. Even though I don’t think I have doubts - there must be doubts, otherwise I would function on autopilot knowing absolutely He is in charge. My doings or non-doings would not have to be sanctioned by my mind, intellect or any worldly paradigm.
The successful strategy of my worldly life has been to somehow hedge my bets and protect my psyche, but now that strategy is the very oppressor of my spiritual growth. One can’t have it both ways. The bondage of the material world requires us to believe we are in control. Freedom comes when experiencing the life God has planned. It is Love, Devotion and Guru’s Grace that will release me from doubt. When Guruji tells me, “all will be fine,” I believe Him.
With the Grace of my Guru, I will move forward and experience this world head on and with an open heart. I will look out at God’s creation and know it to be That. As the path opens, more and more there is less resistance from my material worldly being. I’ve only to keep moving forward and accept all the blessings He puts in my path.
By the teachings of my KrsnaGuru, I know that I was never the material girl. I am but a conditioned soul, bound to live this life while seeking my Divinity and the way back home.
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