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Showing posts from June, 2019

Grace, Love and Ego

KrsnaGuruji bestows Grace and teaches the path of Love and Devotion From childhood, most are taught to gather knowledge, and it is a necessity that we gain some idea about the world in which we live. My mind still prompts me to gather more and more knowledge. But on this spiritual path, there is no way for me to cognize God by book knowledge alone and why should I? Guruji teaches a seemingly simple path of Love and Devotion. Seemingly, because this path still requires self-effort and the guidance of a Spiritual Master. One may say that he does not need such a Master, but know that it is through the Guru that one learns to bow the ego. It is difficult to know God when we ourselves take credit for His work. The Guru is a blessing in one’s life. My own experience under His guidance is that many aspects of my worldly life have become simplified. When my path first opened I did not have much time available for pursuing it. And through what is known to some as Guru’s Grace, things ...

You'll Be An Outcast

Krsnaji teaches following a spiritual path can quickly make one a pariah. This is true in my life. Once this spiritual path opened, those around me quickly expressed opposition. Some expressed concern, as it was outside of the norm—some out of concern regarding my mental health, and others expressed opposition because stepping forward on my spiritual journey challenged their idea of who I am. The impetus to expand my knowledge and experience beyond the constraints of any previously held ideas had come. God has blessed me in this lifetime that I might know and understand His infinite Love. From the depths of my being came an unrelenting drive to seek God. My search has consumed the worldly me and appears selfish to family and friends, well, because it is. The inward journey to know oneself in God is a journey traversed by that one. As a child, my mother told me that in life, we are lucky to have one true friend, a friend for whom you would give up your own life. (My mother c...

God, Love and Service

Krsnaji teaches the highest Love. Guruji's lesson was about Love and how it binds one to the world. If your Love is confined to only those few you select or to those few who select you, then Love will limit you. When Love is shared unconditionally with all, then one is free. Can we free ourselves once entangled? Perhaps, but the cost is much pain for those who want to keep Love only to themselves. Love given freely without attachment and received in kind is never entangled and is always free. Is it possible to Love unconditionally without trying to make a quid pro quo transaction of it? Is it possible to Love without using that Love as ransom? Saintly beings like Mother Teresa graced this Earth with their unconditional, nontransactional Love for all. Mother Teresa Loved Jesus Christ and knew him to be present in everyone. Even when her own heart ached with longing for the Lord whom she Loved, she served all. By the words of my Guruji, the highest Love is Viraha Bhakti—Lov...

Ode To My Guruji

A single word causes tears to start Knows the nature of my heart Takes this ego apart It is the word by which I know you A single word seen in your eyes Knows the Light of the wise Removes all worldly lies It is the word by which I know you A single word catalyst of this quest Knows its home within my chest Where Love is professed It is the word by which I know you A single word fixed upon your feet Knows all beyond the sheath Roars and doesn’t bleat “Truth” is the word by which I know you