KrsnaGuruji bestows Grace and teaches the path of Love and Devotion From childhood, most are taught to gather knowledge, and it is a necessity that we gain some idea about the world in which we live. My mind still prompts me to gather more and more knowledge. But on this spiritual path, there is no way for me to cognize God by book knowledge alone and why should I? Guruji teaches a seemingly simple path of Love and Devotion. Seemingly, because this path still requires self-effort and the guidance of a Spiritual Master. One may say that he does not need such a Master, but know that it is through the Guru that one learns to bow the ego. It is difficult to know God when we ourselves take credit for His work. The Guru is a blessing in one’s life. My own experience under His guidance is that many aspects of my worldly life have become simplified. When my path first opened I did not have much time available for pursuing it. And through what is known to some as Guru’s Grace, things ...