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Showing posts from April, 2019

Grace, Where Art Thou?

KrsnaGuruji teaches: the Guru is empowered to decide whom he can shower his grace on. One comes to this life with a lot of unavoidable karma. But what if that karma is such that, no matter what efforts you put forth, there is no getting out of this life? It is just not possible for everyone to be extraordinary, without ordinary beings no one is extraordinary. So what happens to ordinary people who end up on the path? You may say that they must be extraordinary to be on the path, but the term is relative. Among those on the path of spiritual, there certainly seems to be a hierarchy. I am not saying that God cares for any “one” more than another, it seems that since we are here by the merits or demerits of past lives, we are each unique. Our karma has created this destiny, whereby one is moved ahead and another is stymied. So what does that relationship with God look like when you are not the chosen one but are a member of the spiritual masses? Spiritual teachers may be overl...

Get Out Of It Quickly!

KrsnaGuruji teaches, “The brightest of the beings has the darkest of sides also. He knows how to get out of it soonest.” Lord, I am in need of handholding. You have brought me to a crossroads. I do not know how to proceed. This is how it is right now. I am trying to discern if I am experiencing an issue with an old tendency or am experiencing a spiritual crisis. They look quite similar. At this very time, I do not know how to go beyond my current purview. What is the next step? One turns inward to find the self and practices to become steady in that knowledge, but what then? My life is not yet fully in the spiritual, and still, my life is no longer of the material world alone. (Note: Between the above paragraphs and the ones below, there was a change. At last by His grace and power, the answer was presented. I was listening to a podcast, and by His blessing, I could comprehend what was said.) It's samskara (stored impressions and imprints) that rises up and triggers te...

Displace Your Worldly Desires

Krsna Guru teaches there is a way to displace worldly desires. In the translation of Srimad Bhagavatam, it is stated, “Sri Krsna, who is the Paramātmā [Supersoul] in everyone’s heart and the benefactor of the truthful devotee, cleanses desire for material enjoyment from the heart of the devotee who has developed the urge to hear His messages, which are in themselves virtuous when properly heard and chanted.” (Canto1,Ch2 v17) It has been taught to me that by hearing, reading or singing the sacred stories found in holy books, one can become free of worldly desire. One must first accept that the text is true, that the reader is sanctioned to recite the text and that the words are meant for you. Guruji says that there are three types of knowledge in the holy books. The first type is the story alone, just as a mythological story and some are happy with that knowledge. The second type of knowledge comes when the listener finds the lessons for living and makes a religion of it. Final...

Love and Attachment

Krsnaji teaches that it is important to be a positive force in this world. We are born into this world with our tendencies and are conditioned from day one—that this is my mother, my father, my sister, my brother. Our attachments grow and continue to the very end. It's through my sister’s hospitalization for a lifelong illness and her subsequent passing that my attachment to her was most apparent. Armed with the belief that God is All that is, I thought that would make the inevitable passing of my sister easier, but that is not how it was. Her expressive smile, strength, and grace, along with our many years of friendship are etched upon my brain. Laura was a brilliant woman of the Kali-yuga, blessed with intelligence and uncommon common sense. She believed in the empowerment of women, and she taught my daughters the same by her example. My sister was the epitome of kindness and generosity. She performed seva to those in need in a very quiet way. It is only by chance that o...