Krsnaji teaches me, God is the Guru. The Guru-disciple/devotee relationship is unknown to many people, it certainly was unknown to me just a short while ago. But here I am, a devotee and student of my KrsnaGuru. Because it is not readily understood, a couple of people have asked,“Why do you need an intermediary to reach God?” Well, the Truth is you don’t. The Guru is not an intermediary (and this is the point that freaks people out). The Guru is the Divine appearing here, to teach the Spiritual aspirant. Each aspirant has their own personal experience with their Divine Guruji. The Spiritual Master reflects the devotee’s own ideal. It would be a disservice for me to attempt to define the indefinable, unfathomable Guru, so I’ll speak here from my own experience. He is my Beloved; He is the Many; He is the One. How does the relationship work? The Divine Guruji engages the divinity within the student, an engagement which I experience as a primal longing. Guruji diligently use...