Krsnaji teaches that one does not have to go very far to find God. The Divinity is within each of us. As seekers of Truth , we search for God outwardly far and near. Where is God to be found? One may go to church, or a temple or a park to find God, but is God there? If you were to listen to my Guruji’s satsangs online , surely you will hear a consistent mantra. Over and over, time and time again, Guruji tells us that God is within us. “God is within!” Everything that you think is God and everything that you think God is, dwells within each of us. We are unable to know God within because we are veiled by our mind and intellect and have been wrongly thinking we are just this human body. Even though I know these words, I have yet to live each day fully in that knowledge. So I ask, “What is the reason that this knowledge has not permeated the veil?” The answer is Shraddha and Suburi (Faith and Patience) . The answer is always Shraddha and Suburi. It’s Faith in my Guruji and hi...