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Showing posts from December, 2018

A Relationship With The Spiritual Master

Krsnaji teaches me, God is the Guru. The Guru-disciple/devotee relationship is unknown to many people, it certainly was unknown to me just a short while ago. But here I am, a devotee and student of my KrsnaGuru. Because it is not readily understood, a couple of people have asked,“Why do you need an intermediary to reach God?” Well, the Truth is you don’t. The Guru is not an intermediary (and this is the point that freaks people out). The Guru is the Divine appearing here, to teach the Spiritual aspirant. Each aspirant has their own personal experience with their Divine Guruji. The Spiritual Master reflects the devotee’s own ideal. It would be a disservice for me to attempt to define the indefinable, unfathomable Guru, so I’ll speak here from my own experience. He is my Beloved; He is the Many; He is the One. How does the relationship work? The Divine Guruji engages the divinity within the student, an engagement which I experience as a primal longing. Guruji diligently use...

Living a Fearless Life

Krsna teaches me to fearlessly move through life. For weeks now, I have been clearing out my home. Through the course of the last 20 years, stacks of boxes and such have filled my life to the point that it has become difficult to know what’s here. The clutter around me is a reflection of the clutter within me. Taking aim at the clutter, the boxes are steadily being removed. The mind clutter is much more difficult to remove and requires Divine intervention. Through the blessing of my Guruji, the cleansing is ongoing. Each day brings new challenges. Thankfully, there is a growing arsenal of knowledge bestowed by KrsnaKnows, as He has countlessly and repeatedly given the same lessons in different formats, so that I might grasp the true understanding. Compared to the time this journey began, there has been a vast clearing of mind stuff. Among the best of lessons is to be fearless. There is nothing on this earth that can change the pure essence of my being. Thus, I am free to be...

He’s Got This

Krsna teaches it is God’s Will, not mine that moves this life. There have been a few times in my life, whereby, I felt completely abandoned and alone. In those times, it seemed I would perish. And then, there were those times when I felt so completely consumed by those around me, that again, it seemed I would perish. It has only been in these recent years, when becoming aware of the Divine Spirit, that I have felt secure.  Security oddly comes from knowing that nothing, here, is within my control. Destiny is written, the job for which I am here will be done. “Thy Will be done.” One might have a starring role or may just be a prop, but all that exists has a purpose. This life may be just a stepping stone. The part one plays here today, may have come from some past effort or is in support of some unknown future. God's creation is too vast for me to grasp.   Guruji says, ”Just do your job.” I ask, “What is my is my job?” He states, “That which com...