Krsna teaches to take time to express devotion to God, without expectation of returns. Worldly life is upon us all the time. Unless you are blessed to be staying in an ashram or are a renunciate, the stress of daily life presses on. Going to work, earning money, taking care of family and friends, house and home, it’s like this for most of us. So where is the time to think of God? When a loved one is ill or there is a particularly important event pending, we may ask God for help, but asking favors is not devotion. Since returning from India , my life has been a bit unsettled and way too busy. The feeling that I can not find time to spend in devotion crept into my mind. But my teacher has always illumined the truth. God is within. Take his name, and dedicate the performance of all duties to Him. There is time in every minute, of every hour, of every day. Thoughts of God do not have to remove me from where I am or what I am doing. Retreating to a sheltered ...