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Showing posts from September, 2018

Just Let it Be

During a recent exposition of the Srimad Bhagavatam, KrsnaKnows gave a lesson on reducing the amount of karma we create in this life. He teaches that one should not get involved with other people's bad behavior and to just “be your Good-Self.” “Insulting words one should tolerate and one should never disrespect anyone, nor should one identify with this material body or hold a grudge against whomever.” (Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 12, Chapter 6, v34) Perception and reception of words spoken by others, are wholly at your command. You cannot stop people from speaking poorly to you or about you. Do not get caught up in reacting to another person’s insult or praise. Krsna helps His students to reduce future karma by teaching us to just let it be. Your reaction creates a new karmic loop for you with that person, instead walk away from the situation and just let it be. It may hurt your feelings, but it does not really touch you. Keep yourself focused on God and try not to dwell on th...

Child of God

KrsnaKnows’ teaching: “Know that God is just and all are equal in His eyes.” KrsnaKnows presently conducts a daily weekday satsang, personal one-on-one satsangs, and live Saturday/Sunday satsangs which are recorded. There are years of recorded videos on Youtube and years of writings on the website. He writes on many forums and posts daily across most social media platforms. He receives no compensation and does not sell any classes or products. KrsnaKnows does all of this for all seekers, to fill the need we have to know the Truth about our Self and God. KrsnaKnows’ concentration is on the spiritual and requires a backend to keep the technology side running smoothly. Krsna has modern approach, but His teachings are timeless. On my first trip to India to meet KrisnaKnows, I met a young man at Krsna’s ashram, his name is Chitti Krsna. He sends out the link to join the online satsangs and executes the backend. He is a formally educated Master of Technology; he and a few othe...

Lost in the Mind

It was said by MyKrsnaGuru that traveling this path would be difficult and it is – very difficult. There is an inner struggle to keep the mind from running wild, as it machinates responses to situations from the past and to situations which will never actually occur. Likewise, there is a struggle to keep the mind from dragging my faith through the dark cloud of illusion. “Sri Bhagavan said: I consider them to be the best Yogis, who endowed with supreme faith, and ever united through meditation with Me, worship Me with their mind centred on Me.” (The Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12, V2) As one who paints and draws, my mind can be centered for hours at a time. My teacher, KrsnaKnows told me last year that the act of painting was a form of meditation for me. Even though the ability to focus is there in me, countless times throughout the day my thoughts take me on a make-believe journey. It starts with a single idea and then the mind jumps around going down many extended paths...

My Lessons to Learn

Ideals can be pondered, but it is a different story to live those ideals. Knowing about something is not wisdom. Implementing the knowledge at the right time is wisdom. This I know from MyKrsnaGuru. There are many spiritual text to study, the Bible, the Quran, the Torah, the Vedas just to name a few and it is the Bhagavad Gita that was first chosen for my one on one satsangs with KrsnaKnows. About that same time, Krsna launched an afternoon group satsang studying the Bhagavad Gita. The group was formed to accommodate the need of one student and at the request of others. I ask if I could join the group and Guruji said, “of course.” Since then, Krsna has painstakingly conducted a verse by verse exposition each weekday. Here I will describe how I experience the Bhagavad Gita. The Bhagavad Gita is a part of the Indian epic Mahabharata, a nd although it is just a small portion ( Eighteen Chapters), with guidance, it reveals all that one needs to conduct themselves in this life...