During a recent exposition of the Srimad Bhagavatam, KrsnaKnows gave a lesson on reducing the amount of karma we create in this life. He teaches that one should not get involved with other people's bad behavior and to just “be your Good-Self.” “Insulting words one should tolerate and one should never disrespect anyone, nor should one identify with this material body or hold a grudge against whomever.” (Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 12, Chapter 6, v34) Perception and reception of words spoken by others, are wholly at your command. You cannot stop people from speaking poorly to you or about you. Do not get caught up in reacting to another person’s insult or praise. Krsna helps His students to reduce future karma by teaching us to just let it be. Your reaction creates a new karmic loop for you with that person, instead walk away from the situation and just let it be. It may hurt your feelings, but it does not really touch you. Keep yourself focused on God and try not to dwell on th...